Libanon Update


Overzicht van de gebeurtenissen in Libanon nadat Hezbollah twee Israƫlische soldaten gevangen heeft genomen.

maandag, november 20, 2006

Zomaar een grap

Om een indruk te geven van de grappen die in Libanon de ronde doen, hieronder eentje die je zoal hoort:

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad goes to a primary school to give a speech. After his talk he offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand and Bashar asks what his name is?
"Ali, sir"
"And what is your question, Ali?"
"I have 3 questions, sir.

First, why did Syria rule Lebanon for over 15 years?
Second, why didn't you know who killed Hariri if you were the ruler of Lebanon?
And third, why did you leave Lebanon now?"

Just then the bell rang for recess. Bashar informs the kids that they will continue with the question-answer session after recess.

When the class resumes, Bashar says, "OK, where were we? Oh that's right, question time. Who has a question?"
A different little boy puts up his hand.
Bashar points him out and asks what his name is?
"Mahmoud, sir"
"And what is your question, Mahmoud?"
"I have 5 questions, sir.

First, why did Syria rule Lebanon for over 15 years?
Second, why didn't you know who killed Hariri if you were the ruler of Lebanon then?
Third, why did you leave Lebanon now?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go 20 minutes too early?!
And fifth, where is Ali?!!"